Posted by: Jimely Flores | May 12, 2008

eye opener

Gosh I just realized how the lopezes through meralco are frying the Filipino people, particularly those serviced (?) by Meralco, in their own oils!!!!


This I realized when I followed closely the hearing being made today by the legislative bodies…


We are paying within the system’s lost the power usage of the entire Meralco. While they sourced their power from their own sister’s company at a higher price. Grabe kinikitaan tayo ng patong-patong. Sus LOPEZ FAMILY MODERATE YOUR GREED!!!! YOU WONT TAKE ALL THAT WEALTH IN HELL!!!!


Mga kababayan look at the transcript of the hearing and you will know!!!


  1. i hope the senate hearing could open the eyes of every filipino who still thinks that Lopezes is looking after their many people died every year because they’re house was burnt because they wasn’t able to pay their bills ontime..while meralco are so harsh with their not so fortunate customers..they are turning a blind eye on pilferages because they can use this to earn on system lost self serving, money making scheme..i’m sick and tired of this guys..they think that they’re smarter than anyone of us..using the masses as their human shield to cover their crime..but hey..its not too myself will start a boycott of any of their products..and even the products endorsed by their talents like kris aquino, boy abunda etc..the only way to hurt the Lopezes is not through the court of law because they can pay millions for the finest lawyers and spin doctors..we can do damaged to them through the boctott of their way of bringing down a business empire is not to entertain their business..i hope that anyone can give me a list of the products and services while i’ll try to make a list myself


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